Integrative holistic approaches to working with ongoing digestive conditions such as IBS, SIBO, SIFO, yeast/candida, IBD (Crohn’s/UC), GERD, or gallbladder conditions.
Read MoreAll Flavor Has Direction: Exploring the Quality of Saltiness
In Chinese medicine, flavor is not just taste, but also describes a direction or energetic movement. The following is an invitation to explore the energetics of just one of the five flavors — salty— as a way of understanding how herbs and minerals move in our bodies.
Read MoreClean Water Practices
I've created a brief guide around my water practices + my recommendations for making sure (y)our water is as clean, pure, and as safe as possible. Read on for both individual and collective health.
Read MoreA Practice to Nourish & Sustain Wellbeing
An exploration of self-compassion as a potent self-care tool that sustains healthful behavior and bridges the (perceived) mind-body gap.
Read MoreOn the Heritage of Western Anatomy
Unpacking our unconscious body beliefs is foundational to doing healing work. In this post, I'm sharing about where unconscious understandings of our bodies come from through an exploration of Western anatomical heritage.
Read MoreNurturing a Resilient Nervous System
One way of measuring our health is our capacity to be resilient. In other words, health is not about feeling strong and centered in every moment but finding the tools to return to center and regain strength in the face of stress and change.
What does it mean to be resilient and why is it important?